
上海 3.23 法国气候拼图@嘉里合集

Sun, 23 Mar 2025 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 23 Mar 2025 17:00:00 GMT+08
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    • 日期:世界气象日 - 2025年3月23日(周日) 

    • 时间:下午 1:45签到进行分组,活动 2 点至 5点 

    • 地点:上海静安区天目西路218号 嘉里合集 The Lightbox L3 Media Box (地铁1/12号线 汉中路站1号口)

    • 费用:

    • 成人版 3小时 ¥68 (适合15岁以上及成年人) 中文/英文

    • 名额有限,请阅读以下报名须知,和点击''报名''按钮参加,记得填写您的联系方式。


    - 气候拼图是一个3小时协作的桌游工作坊,以小组形式运用集体智慧进行,请预留足够时间全程参与,不用担心,过程比您想象的要快!  



    - 气候拼图的引导师团队都是志愿者,为推动对气候变化的关注贡献他们的时间。如果您报名后不能参加,请提前通知,以便我们按照参加人数来安排引导师和小组分组。

    - 这是公众参与的工作坊,如果企业想安排员工参加气候拼图工作坊或组织专场,请联系主办方:angel.choy@super-green-solutions.com

    - 气候拼图定期举办工作坊来提高公众对气候变化的认识,参加者同意授权气候拼图使用相关活动内容和影音照片,用于国内国外的线上和线下推广使用。如果您不同意,请在现场告知活动负责人或引导师。

    - 提交报名后,请扫码加入活动微信群,以确保您及时收到活动相关信息!





     - 气候拼图 -





    源自法国的气候拼图Climate Fresk,是以科学精神探索气候变化的工具,Cedric Ringenbach所创作和设计,是兼具科学性、趣味与创意的工具并以桌游方式,由引导师带领参与者分成小组一起推理、一起探索、一起互动讨论每张卡片的内容,找出它们的关联和因果关系。卡片内容基于IPCC*的报告和公开的科学资料 (没听过IPCC?不用担心…),不管对气候问题是小白还是专家,都能在短短3小时的活动后了解气候变化的成因和影响,进而启发采取相关行动。


    * IPCC 联合国 政府间气候变化专门委员会


    桌游过程有点烧脑。。。但3小时不知不觉飞快就过去,还能高效的在短时间内了解一些和我们息息相关的复杂问题 - 海洋里充满了塑料并日益酸化、极端高温、野火、洪水和飓风影响了数以百万计的民众。。。这些你一定感到熟识又陌生,到底为什么这些情况会更频繁发生?跟我们又有什么关系?来玩就知道。你一定会觉得有乐趣有收获!


    气候拼图分别有两个版本:三小时的成人版(适合15岁或以上参加);和两小时的青少年版(适合10 - 14岁参加)。本次活动为成人版。



    看看玩过的玩家怎么说 ?


    “在三小时里,导师们通过卡片桌游,耐心引导大家层层递进的意识到人类活动对环境的影响,引发讨论和深思。对我来说是非常有意义的活动,在未来也会身体力行参与环保。希望Climate Fresk可以多多举办,启发更多人献出自己的一份力!”

     “透过本次的活动能全面的了解到从人类开始的活动对世界碳排及气候造成的影响,以及一环接一环的环境影响。希望Climate Fresk可以得到更多的传播,让更多人能了解到地球目前在面对的环境问题,让大家可以一起减少购买、循环利用、节约资源,为我们的下一代、和地球生物带来更好的生活环境。”

     “It's an interesting topic and a great approach in a special day!”

     “I loved the experience, I have never learned so much about sustainability in such a short time and while having such a great time.”

     “This lively form of activity makes serious topics interesting without losing the educational side” 

     “This activity is really useful, it will spark creative ideas and will act as a catalyst for change.”

     “On one person’s effort will make only a small difference, but by acting together we really can make a change.”

     “We had in our group both people who were just curious and some very knowledgeable which created great discussions”




    全球关键数字 | Global Key Figures

    2,000,000 + 参与者 participants

    160+ 国家/地区 countries/regions 

    51+ 语言 languages

    90,000+ 引导师 Freskers (Facilitators)

    1500+ 企业用作内部培训 corporates for internal training 


    气候拼图在中国 | In China

    12000+ 参与者 participants

    800+ 引导师 Freskers (Facilitators)


    50+ 公司 companies

    1000+ 学生 students





    Event Details

    • Date:World Meterological Day - March 23, 2025(Sunday) 

    • Time:1:45 check-in & groupings, workshop 2:00 - 5:00pm

    • Venue:Media Box, L3, The Lightbox, No.218 Tianmu Xi Lu, Jingan District, Shanghai  (Metro line 1/12, Hanzhong Lu Station Exit 1)

    • Fee:

    • Adult version 3-hour ¥68 (suitable for age 15 and above) Chinese/English

    • Spots limited, please read carefully below before sign up.


    Please note before sign in:
    - This is an interactive workshop last for 3 hours and is played as small groups with collective intelligence so participants are expected to participate from the beginning to the end. Don't worry it goes much faster than you think! 

    - Please arrive 15 mins in advance for check-in, grouping and workshop will begin on time.

    - No refund 48 hours prior to the event.

    - Our team of facilitators are all volunteers and offer their time for raising the awareness on climate change. Please notify us in advance if you can't make it as we need to know the exact number of participants to organize facilitators and groups with different languages. 

    - This is a public workshop, if corporates want to organize workshop for their staffs, please contact the organizer: angel.choy@super-green-solutions.com

    - Climate Fresk’s mission is to promote sustainability and regularly communicate workshops to raise public awareness. Participants agree Climate Fresk to use the content of the workshop and related audio visual for online & offline publicity within & outside China. If you disagree with this, please inform the organizer or one of the facilitator. 

    - Once registration is completed, don't forget to join the wechat group to make sure you don't miss further updates on the event.



    If you like playful, thought-provoking game, want to meet friends who share the same topics, learn some knowledge , here it is.

    Come and experience this fun and interesting game from France

     - Climate Fresk -

     And become one of the player in China!


    Oceans filling with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires and floods, have affected millions of people… You must feel familiar and also unfamiliar with these. Why do these incidents happen more frequent now?  What does it have to do with us?  Come and play and you will know.


    The Climate Fresk is a global tool on a mission to raise awareness about climate change. The Founder - Cedric Ringenbach designed this scientific, fun and creative tool based on the IPCC* reports. In just 3 hours, 42 cards, the facilitator leads the participants to explore and learn the science behind climate change in a collaborative way.  Whether you are a novice or an expert, you can understand the causes and effects of climate change and its systemic nature, to inspire individual and collective actions. 

    *IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


    In small groups, participants collaborate in a fun and educational way, walking through the interconnected causes and consequences of the crisis. This setting leads to meaningful discussions about the actions that they can take as individuals and as professionals.

    Climate Change is not a simple problem with simple solutions.  It’s a complex subject with a lot of interconnected implications. It provides participants with science-based, comprehensive, and actionable knowledge about the climate crisis in a concise three hours (don't worry, it goes much faster than you think). At the same time, the session awakens motivation and creativity.

     Climate Fresk has two versions: 3-hour Adult version (suitable for age 15 and above), and 2-hour Junior version (suitable for age 10 - 14). This session on March 23rd will be Adult version only.


    Let's see what the players who have played it say?


    “在三小时里,导师们通过卡片桌游,耐心引导大家层层递进的意识到人类活动对环境的影响,引发讨论和深思。对我来说是非常有意义的活动,在未来也会身体力行参与环保。希望Climate Fresk可以多多举办,启发更多人献出自己的一份力!”

     “透过本次的活动能全面的了解到从人类开始的活动对世界碳排及气候造成的影响,以及一环接一环的环境影响。希望Climate Fresk可以得到更多的传播,让更多人能了解到地球目前在面对的环境问题,让大家可以一起减少购买、循环利用、节约资源,为我们的下一代、和地球生物带来更好的生活环境。”

     “It's an interesting topic and a great approach in a special day!”

     “I loved the experience, I have never learned so much about sustainability in such a short time and while having such a great time.”

     “This lively form of activity makes serious topics interesting without losing the educational side” 

     “This activity is really useful, it will spark creative ideas and will act as a catalyst for change.”

     “On one person’s effort will make only a small difference, but by acting together we really can make a change.”

     “We had in our group both people who were just curious and some very knowledgeable which created great discussions.”


    How popular?


    全球关键数字 | Global Key Figures

    2,000,000 + 参与者 participants

    160+ 国家/地区 countries/regions 

    51+ 语言 languages

    90,000+ 引导师 Freskers (Facilitators)

    1500+ 企业用作内部培训 corporates for internal training 


    气候拼图在中国 | In China

    12000+ 参与者 participants

    800+ 引导师 Freskers (Facilitators)


    50+ 公司 companies

    1000+ 学生 students
    A fast growing community waiting for you!


    Since December 2018, Climate Fresk has been working to bring people and organisations on board with the climate transition. It is an internationally recognized tool, used in 160+ countries/regions to raise awareness on climate change in communities, companies, schools and institutions.  


    Whether the climate crisis is a topic that you are already quite aware of and looking for ways to engage in it with others, or quite a new topic that you are looking to dig in a bit deeper, this is the perfect opportunity!

    Angel Choy 

    气候拼图认证培训师 & 引导师

    Climate Fresk - Certified Trainer & Facilitator 


    Founder - XUN circular for good

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